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彌勒,意稱慈氏菩薩,名阿逸多,笑口肚大的彌勒佛像,據傳是布袋和尚的化身,屬於民間信仰的造形。「彌勒」是梵語「MAITREYA」之漢音譯,其義為「慈」,就是「給人歡喜、希望、光明」。 彌勒佛是舉世公認的快樂佛、歡喜佛、笑佛、幸運佛,祂的慈容人見人愛。高11cm。


Maitreya is the bodhisattva who will be thenext buddha after Shakyamuni Buddha. As one of the eight great bodhisattvas, heis sometimes depicted as whitish-yellow in colour and holding an orange bushwhich dispels the fever of the destructive emotions. 11cm H


招財彌勒佛 (單手舉元寶) / Fortune Maitreya

Color: amber
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