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班雜薩埵為一切眾生菩提心之本體個性堅固如金剛 亦名金剛心菩薩。與顯教之菩賢菩薩同體異名是為諸佛之長子。金剛薩埵為消業滅罪之唯一主尊,行者為懺罪解冤,成就無上菩提必經階程。                              

金剛薩埵也就是金剛持,金剛持其實並不止一位,是有很多很多的金剛持。常常講到法身普賢、第六金剛持,指的就是金剛薩埵,金剛薩埵是排在第六位,也就 是第六個金剛持尊者。五方佛外的第六位也。                                                                                                                                                 



金剛薩埵心咒 :  嗡   班雜薩埵   吽


Buddha Vajrasattva is the aggregate ofconsciousness of all the Buddhas, appearing in the aspect of a white colouredDeity specifically in order to purify sentient beings negativity. He is thesame nature as Buddha Vajradhara, differing only in aspect. 12cm Height 

金剛薩埵 (貼金) 12cm/Vajrasattva with gilded

Color: white
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