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巴利文三藏中未記載阿彌陀佛。在漢傳佛教中,最早譯出的淨土經典《般舟三昧經》將其名號譯為阿彌陀佛[1]。鳩摩羅什譯本《阿彌陀經》,也使用阿彌陀佛譯名,成為最通行的說法[2]。經中說,因為他壽命無量、光明無量,故名為「阿彌陀」[3]。玄奘譯本中,沒有「阿彌陀佛」這個名稱,而是使用「無量光佛(Amitābha,單數主格為Amitābhas)」,和「無量壽佛(Amitāyus)」這兩個名字[4],而現代學者穆勒(F. Max Muller)收集的梵文本《阿彌陀經》與藏傳《無量壽經》皆和玄奘譯本相同,沒有使用阿彌陀佛這個稱號。高12cm.


Through his efforts, Amitābha created a pure land called Sukhāvatī (Sanskrit: "possessing happiness") . Sukhāvatī is situated in the uttermost west, beyond the bounds of our own world. By the power of his vows, Amitābha has made it possible for all who call upon him to be reborn into this land, there to undergo instruction by him in the dharma and ultimately become bodhisattvas and buddhas in their turn (the ultimate goal of Mahāyāna Buddhism). From there, these same bodhisattvas and buddhas return to our world to help yet more people.

 12cm Height.


阿彌陀佛/Amitbaha 12cm

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